Meet Our Team
Pastoral Staff
Michael Wallenmeyer, Lead Pastor
Michael was born in Missouri, lived in California, grew up in Arizona, and taught English in Taiwan. When he returned to the states Michael went to Moody Bible Institute and seminary at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. While at Moody he met his wonderful wife, Marcie. Michael and Marcie have three children, Justice, Audra and Noah. Michael has recently accepted the call to be the Lead Pastor here at Grace Church!
Michael's passions include centering everything the church does in the gospel, building a strong sense of community, making disciples and reaching out to others with the love of Jesus Christ.
Michael is a firm believer that we can never talk or think about the gospel too much. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has drastic implications for how we live out our everyday lives. We never move on from the gospel, we are spiritually transformed as we abide in the life of Christ on a day-to-day basis.
Blair Abbott, Executive Pastor
Blair was born and raised in the western suburbs of Chicago. He gave his life to Christ in 1978. Blair, and his wife, Diana, have served at Grace since 1988; where they raised their three children and have served in both non-vocational and vocational roles. Blair's passion is to help people know Christ personally and discover their ministry "sweet spot" [God-given gifts and talents] so they can use them to build up God's Kingdom.
Blair's favorite verse is Micah 6:8 -- “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Elder Board
Diana Abbott, Director, GEM Express Preschool
Theresa Brandt, Executive Assistant to Lead Pastor
Stephanie Connon, Children’s Director
Chad Leraas, Youth Director
Colette Amey, Ministry Support Coordinator
Colette Amey, Ministry Support Coordinator pic coming soon!
Brian Tschirhart, Worship & Missions Director, Bookkeeper